The funniest damn thing I've heard in the last 10 days: last night, during my tete-a-tete with my girlfriend Michelle, I mentioned that, ever since giving up alcohol, I'm filled with a ton of nervous energy, PLUS all that extra free time that drinking once took up. In all seriousness, she said, "Why not join a gym?"
I laughed so hard and so loud, heads turned in the coffee shop.
I loathe exercise almost as much as I enjoy drinking. It's certainly not a bad idea, especially since I seem to be on an eating kick these days, too, but one thing at a time. I'm not great with change, and getting sober is a seismic life change. If I decided to take up exercise, too, my body might go into complete shock.
I was a chubby kid growing up; I reached my full adult height of 5'6 1/2" by age 13, and I was toting around 180 pounds at the time. I had a 36 inch waist and towered above most of my classmates; it was the one and only time in my life I was mistaken for a football player. Once I hit 18, though, I began a disciplined and committed diet and exercise regimen, completely on my own: 1200-1500 calories a day, an hour of cardio a day (running), light free weights, and 500-600 crunches. I dropped 40 pounds, and was in great shape.
Then I got really hungry and really tired, and said "Screw it!" to a lifetime of grilled chicken and hour-long runs.
Fortunately, my metabolism had leveled out, and I'm at a pretty steady 128-130 now, and, I'm ashamed to say, I have not exercised in at least 10 years. Baby steps, guys, baby steps. Give me 90 days of sobriety, and I'll think about making some more changes.
The anniversary of 9/11's been on my mind today, too; of course, it was a devastating event for everyone, especially if you were in NYC at the time. My really heavy drinking began not long after that, and I wonder how much of that is tied together. I didn't think I was affected any more or any less than the average New Yorker; I was fortunate to not have any close friends perish in the WTC towers, although of course I did have a few acquaintances and friends-of-friends. I don't THINK there's a direct correlation, but it's something I've been thinking about today.
So, I have the apartment completely to myself (the roommate is away at a business meeting), it's the solemn anniversary of 9/11, and I'm feeling antsy. This is the perfect night to have a few solitary cocktails. Fret not, I plan on either taking a little walk, or following Peenee's advice and having an online porn-a-thon.
1 comment:
Actually walking is excellent exercise...
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