Well, the dreams have returned, after a brief lull. Last night's was a lulu: it involved a version of Love Story/An Affair to Remember, with Katharine Hepburn, of all people, in the female lead. In my dream, her affliction is blindness, not being felled by a crippling car accident; and the movie doesn't end with Nicky's discovery of her ailment. Oh no. They continue on to his sugar plantation in Cuba (don't ask), with Kate meeting Mamacita, who is dolled up in the authentic 1940's Hollywoodized version of all things vaguely Latin: red lipstick, black lace, mantilla, etc. There was even a bit of religious symbolism: Kate discovers Mamacita's crucifix necklace on a stark wooden table, and displays a bit of Great Kate emoting as she blindly fingers the cross, then realizes what it is.
I find it rather amusing that I'm having these dreams as I go through my detox, as they're precisely the kind of images I'd think up if I were completely plastered.
It sounds like a fabulous idea for a screenplay. Maybe Meg Ryan will be available.
If the reviews of "The Women" are any indication, Meg Ryan will be free from any upcoming projects for quite some time.
Well that must be what they are then.
Alcohol dreams, as the booze leaves.
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